Modern Nature (Prospect Cottage)
- likely a pun on prospect as "view" and as "future"

April (1989)
Wednesday 26
The hawthorn and birch are in bright green leaf; the pear is in blossom; the ash tree buds are breaking. The primrose and violets are disappearing till next year under invading nettles. As I walk past, the snobbish wheatears complain – tch! tch! – in the flaming gorse.
Spring dances on in soft white clouds.
Ministers attend a seminar on global warming.

There's a menacing sunset beyond the nuclear power station: livid yellows and inky blacks with a deep scarlet gash. As shadows close in, the landscape turns grey; the sky has sucked up all its colour. An icy wind gets up – rain before night's end is forecast.
They say the answer is more nuclear power stations.

Our little wood shivers. What of the earth below these angry skies? A tree goes, a road is widened, a meadow ploughed, more quarries, another house. (JARMAN, Modern Nature, p.67-68)