vorstellen.network is a digital platform for peer to peer exchange among artists. It is developed to facilitate the
connection of art fragments in order to induce qualitative dialogue with poetic value.

Art is a performative act and this tool is made to enlarge its field of action: artists conceive while receiving, responding, combining, sharing knowledge, networking. On the platform, this performance will appear as a collective artists’ research.

we are developing … COMING SOON!

An idea from Elisa Storelli, Axelle Stiefel and Philipp Klein

    1. BRECHT, G., FILLIOU, R, "La Cédille qui sourit", 1967
    1. DIRMOSER, Gerhard, NIESLONY, Boris, "A poster group", Version 01 u 02/08/1999-04.03.2001 Linz/Cologne
    1. DIRMOSER, Gerhard, NIESLONY, Boris, "A poster group", Version 01 u 02/08/1999-04.03.2001 Linz/Cologne
    1. FLUSSER, Vilém, "Text and Image", Variantology 4, edited by Siegfried Zielinski and Eckhard Fürlus
    1. FOREMAN DAY, Lewis, The anatomy of pattern, 1887
    1. Haupt-Battaglia, Heidi, "Komm, wir sticken! Es ist viel leichter, als du denkst. Eine Anleitung mit vielen Vorlagen und Anregungen, wie du und ich sie brauchen". Verlag: Bern, Verlag Paul Haupt, 1955, Auflage: 4., 1955
    1. INGOLD, Tim, "The Textility of Making", Cambridge Journal of Economics. 2010, 34, 91-102
    1. INGOLD, Tim, "Faire. "Anthropologie, Archéologie, Art et Architecture", Editions Dehors, 2017
    1. DOMINGUEZ RUBIO, Fernando, "On the discrepancy between objects and things: An ecological approach", Journal of Material Culture 2016, Vol. 21(1) 59 –86
    1. CARLOS WILLIAMS, William, "The collected Poems of William Carlos Williams, Vol. I 1909-1939"

Supported by Pro Helvetia

Powered by Artist Network Theory