"On its deepest level, planned failure names the synchronized operation, the co-operation, of two affective drives: a love for the world thus a desire for its preservation, and the sense that the world must come to end for the world to have a chance, for property to be dismantled and for shared freedom to be born."

The self-preservation drive is a simple drive, which only consists of a positive; and the type-preservation drive, which must dissolve the old, so that the new comes about, consists of a positive and a negative component. The type preservation drive is in its essence ambivalent; thus the arousal of the positive component at the same time evokes the arousal of the negative component, and vice versa. The self-preservation drive is a “static” drive insofar as it has to protect the already existing individual against foreign influences. The type-preservation drive is a “dynamic” drive, which strives for the transformation,
the “resurrection” of the individual in a new form. No transformation can proceed without destruction of the old state.

From Sabina Spielrein's "Destruction as the Source of Becoming"