Terminology from the header

available to operators only*

me if you click here, you see your personal ID number & data, eventually information that you added about yourself, and a list of fragments that you have produced so far: your history.

expand the network invite an operator to join the performance

new create a new fragment

fork create a new fragment connected to an already existing fragment

available to operators* and unlogged visitors

random by clicking here, one random fragment will appear for you. when you refresh the page, another random fragment appears.

guidelines by navigating here, you will find informations about the development of the platform, the vorstellen.network performance

vorstellungen bulk by navigating here, you will find a list of all the fragments that were developed by the community of operators (the newest are always on top)

operators here is where all the participants of the performance are listed

chronotopics here we have a series of scheduled events or whatever takes place in a specific temporality. By extension, this could be a way to signify that you fork for a purpose relating to a specific time frame. It could work as a call for allies in forking who identify with the given tempo.